Everyday the internet is flooded with more and more photos of cute little hybrid balls of energy and love and fur and color and even more energy and we just can’t get enough. There was a time (that I’m glad I never had to experience) when purebred dogs were “the thing to have”. Why? I have no clue. Nothing against pure bred dogs, they’re cute and cuddly and I’m sure there’s a special country club that requires any and all members to own one. But out here in the real world, in America especially (the melting pot); you’re not perfect unless you’re imperfect. We like a little bt of everything, in our food, in our decor, in our fashion, in our babies, and ESPECIALLY in our dogs! Thus, it’s the New Breed on The Block that gets a special highlight on the SkinNYC every so often. All those older urebred dogs better go to the Westminster Kennel Club & dog show.
Now after talking all that smack about purebred dogs, I guess I should probably give them their credit: we couldn’t have hybrids if it weren’t for those perfectly bred little furballs. Yes indeed, purebred dogs are the difference between dogs and cats, where everything is a mutt. and there are two breeds in particular, the Siberian Husky and the Corgi, that always show up in the most popular hybrid dog breeds. I mean they are the kings and queens of DNA mixing. Everything they do is cute! So what happens when you mix them together? the Horgi!

The name is far from award winning, but the dog might be. The Horgi has that distinct corgi shape: tiny, cute, long and fluffy, with the coat of the Siberian Husky. But that’s not all, because when temperments mix, you get a dog that’s smart, reliable, energetic, protective, loyal and friendly, all in one. Horgi’s are the dog for large crazy families or a single man or woman who need a trusty companion.

If you haven’t already noticed, I’ve fallen head over heels in love with horgis, and I’m gonna start a movement to make them America’s national dog!

And as always, two pieces that are included in every New Breed on the Block: a few things anyone planning on owning a horgi should know and then the horgi picture’s!!
1. Horgi’s are going to be energetic no matter what. They need a lo of time and attention devoted to them, and hours of play. So if you don’t have that time to give them, you should probably pick a more docile dog breed (like a cat for instance)!
2. As with all corgi mixes, they are prone to back injuries, and shouldn’t be allowed to jump or fall from high places, carry large loads or put too much pressure on their back.
3. As with all Husky mixes, they’re going to shed A LOT. and it won’t match the furniture, so there is a fair amount of grooming to be expected here.
Now for the Horgi pictures!!

Previously on New Breed on the Block: The Corman Shepard