Bill De Blasio sets out to clean up NYC Parades, making the Festivities more about the Culture and Education
Parades in New York City have long been a tradition. Just about every ethnic group that inhabits NYC has a parade, which shows appreciation of its culture. In recent years Parades had become more of a free-for-all and a raunchy beauty pageant.

Mayor De Blasio who participated in many parades last year while campaigning continues to do so. The new Mayor seems to enjoy NYC parades; in fact his son and daughter have been named the King Neptune and Queen Mermaid of the 2014 Mermaid Parade in Coney Island, Brooklyn.

It seems De Blasio has been taking a strong stance on the mechanics of NYC Parades and taking them back to their origin and purpose. On June 1st the Jewish community celebrated their culture on fifth ave in Manhattan alongside Israeli group New Israel fund. While many protested against it, Mayor De Blasio and Governor Cuomo stated that the Jewish community and Israeli Community are of equal importance to them. This weekend marked the Puerto Rican Parade which also made its way down 5th avenue. Prior to the parade De Blasio and his team cracked down on complaints of misappropriated funds of the national parade. The parade which attracts many latino celebrities and major corporation sponsorships has been plagued with corruption and accusations of not focusing on the importance of the Latino heritage. This year many are sure that the parade is reverting to it’s roots.
Is De Blasio the parade patrol? Is he acting upon the negative complaints and rumored corruption within parade budgets and so fourth? With all of these changes for social and economic fairness for NYC’s parades, what will happen with this years Labor day parade and will the Haitian Parade return? Anyone who attends the labor day parade knows that it is mostly about flesh and dancing, a huge part of the parade is often violence as well. While the fun and heritage of the West Indian community often over shadows the negative aspect of the parade; what will Bill De Blasio officiate this year?