Who Had The Best Album?



It’s July now, so we’ve all had a chance to hear the new Hip-Hop that dropped in the second half of June. June 18th was heavy, with Kanye West, J. Cole&Mac Miller all releasing albums on the same day. Kanye released his eighth studio album (Including WTT&Cruel Summer) Yeezus, While J. Cole released his second album Born Sinnner, and Mac Miller’s second album Watching Movies With the Sound Off hit the shelves as well. Then, just 7 days later Wale’s third album The Gifted dropped.

So which album did you like the best? Which songs do you have on repeat? With only two days before Jay-Z takes center stage with Magna Carta, I’m curious to know how everyone felt about everything. Although I can take some pretty educated guesses from the sales. First week sales for the albums?

Yeezus: 328K+

Born Sinner: 297K+

Watching Movies With The Sound Off: 101K+

The Gifted: 150K+

After a week of sales, Yeezus dropped from #1 to #3 while Born Sinner sat at #2.

As for my own personal thoughts: I’ve been a J. Cole fan since before Friday Night Lights, and I thought Born Sinner was his best compilation of songs yet. Villuminati, Chaining Day and Land of the Snakes were my favorite songs from the album. As for The Gifted, I had my doubts, but Wale’s soulful tracks and healthy list of features were the pefect contrast to Born Sinner for me, and was my second favorite. The Curse of the Gifted, Bad and Heaven’s Afternoon will definitly be played for months to come. Yeezus was disappointing, and as a Kanye West fan it hurts to say so. I can’t even say I liked three songs off of the whole album. But I’m In It and New Slaves are both great. If only the whole album was more like them. And sorry Mac Miller, but I didn’t give your album a listen yet. It’s unfortunate that Mac, who was the first person to announce a June 18th release date, ended up being outshined by the competition.

Final Call:

Born Sinner 9/10

The Gifted 8/10

Yeezus: 5/10

Top Five songs across all three albums?

1. Villuminati Born Sinner

2. Curse of the Gifted The Gifted

3. I’m In It Yeezus

4. New Slaves Yeezus

5. Land of the Snakes Born Sinner


By @SolaceInfinite

  1. Your right about J Cole album. I find myself playing it more that Wale album. Wale’s was good as well but it didn’t have that mainstay attraction to it. The mood on Born Sinner is on point.

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